Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Makeover

It finally decided to be summer in my neck of the woods. We've swayed back and forth from cold to hot through the spring, never quite sure what shoes to wear outside, or if we would need the heat or air conditioning. Sometimes it changed from one season to another in the same day! Such is life here in my world. Now that we're roasting nicely, I decided to change the heavier comforter on my bed to a lighter one. Isn't it cute? I love the colors (not too many things go with my old 30-year old bed frame that my hubby built when we were married!), and I actually like making my bed again! This was a sheet set/duvet combo I got at Target for $20, King Size. Gotta love Tar-jay and SUMMER!


Cindy said...

Like mother like daughter!! You two have such a flair for color. I wish I could see the same things the two of you do!! Darling room!!

Chelsea said...

I love the new bedspread! Oh, I love Tar-jay! How do you always find such killer deals?! :)