Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Photo Tag!

This is how it works: Find the fourth file of photos in your picture file, and choose the fourth picture in the file. Then write a post about it.
Chelsea tagged me...and look what picture came up!
This picture was taken on one of our visits with Chels and Rob and L-Bubby. We were trying to get L to giggle, so Chels is tickling him. Yay! We got him! Look in his hand--he found the Cinderella toy from the play house. He loves all the little toys, especially when he can shove them into the doll van and drive them around the room. I'm sure there's a ball around beside him somewhere, too. This boy has the arm of a pro! Love BOTH those smiles...

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Chelsea said...

Well, that's a cute one of bubby! I'm not to fond of the shot of me though! That's a fun one...I love seeing bubby laugh and smile!

Chelsea said...

Mom, I tagged you! Check out my blog for details...