Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Precious Gifts

Today, I celebrate the day I received one of the greatest blessings of my life in the Salt Lake LDS Temple...the gift of endowment. I was nineteen, one day away from becoming a wife, naively embarking on a journey that would feel like a roller coaster at times, but innocently believing that love could conquer any and all obstacles. I had my handsome Quiet Man by my side and we were invincible. I remember that I wore a long yellow dress to the temple, symbolic now of the warmth and light I knew I would receive. I remember Aunt Marilyn there with us, and her sweet remark that now I was an official member of the "sweetheart neck & back club". How tenderly God blesses us, teaches us, holds us in His hands. Every time I return to the temple, I am reminded of that February day and how quickly I began to see eternity...

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