Friday, February 25, 2011

What Is Seen...Or Not

Lately a scene from one my favorite movies has been running through my mind: Yentl, who is really a girl dressed as a boy, goes to a wardrobe fitting for her/his wedding to Hadass and has a hard time keeping her/his disguise from the tailor. "Embarrassed in front of his tailor? A tailor is like a doctor!" Finally, she/he admits: "Look at this, look how easily I fool them. They may have eyes, but they don't see. They never really look at me. People are else would everyone believe me?" Every day we "look" at people...or not...and believe that they are one thing or another--happy, sad, dangerous, shy, wicked, angelic, poor, rich, idiotic or intelligent. The truth is, we have eyes but we don't see. Many times I've made a quick judgment at first glance, and then come to know what is real. Marjorie Hinckley said, "Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." We put on one face for the "world", thinking to hide what is real, when truthfully, we are all just little children of a loving Father who truly SEES inside. He sees that hard battle, that sore broken part, that scary unknown...and He blesses. Peace. Comfort. Healing. Believing. Loving.
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Cindy said...

Thank heaven we are blessed with a few choice people that we do let "see" us Lisa. You are loved and cherished by all that truly know you! Our prayers are with you!! You are a blessing to many!!

Chelsea said...

Beautifully said Mom... It's hard to remember that we are all His children. A few things from our Relief Society meeting last week that I still remember was that so many times we may look at people as a number or a check list...when they are really so much more if we got to know them.